HD Russian Summer Soup - Okroshka Recipe - Окрошка на кефире.
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Okroshka is a cold soup of Russian origin.This recipe serves 4 people. The classic soup is a mix of mostly raw vegetables (like cucumbers, radishes and spring onions), boiled potatoes, eggs, and a cooked meat such as beef, veal, sausages, or ham with kvass, which is a non-alcoholic beverage made from fermented black or rye bread. Okroshka is usually garnished with sour cream. Later versions that appeared in Soviet times use light or diluted kefir, whey, vinegar, mineral water, or even beer instead of kvass. I will be using this recipe with buttermilk. Okroshka is mostly served in summer because the soup combines the refreshing taste of kvass and the lightness of a salad. Okroshka is always served cold. Sometimes ice cubes are added to served portions to keep the soup cold in hot weather.New recipes every day! Subscribe for free ( Get notified when I release a new video )Socialize with me through other media: Facebook: Instagram: Pininterest: Twitter: Google +: Ingredients:Cooked ham — 75 gr2 boiled eggs1 medium potato Handful of RadishesHalf of CucumberGreen onions, dillKefir / Buttermilk Carbonated mineral waterHorseradish table — about 1 teaspoon for each plateSalt pepperDirections:Step 1: Boil your eggs and potatoes until done.Step 2: Cut all your vegetables in similar small bite size pieces. Step 3: Mix everything together and keep in a fridge until you serve the dish. Step 4: Before serving, mix your buttermilk/kefir with mineral sparkling water, add 1 tsp of horseradish and season well. Then add that into your vegetables, mix well and serve. Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.Окрошка на кефире — холодное первое блюдо русской кухни, которое готовят, в основном, в жаркое время года. Процесс приготовления окрошки состоит из двух частей, а именно, приготовления сухой основы для окрошки и порционной подачи на стол, во время которой окрошка заливается кефиром. Если использовать кефир в чистом виде, окрошка получается слишком густой. Поэтому, кефир разбавляют несоленой газированной минеральной водой.Ингредиенты: на 4- порций окрошки:колбаса вареная — 75 гяйцо — 2 шт.картофель средний — 1 шт.редиска — 50 гогурцы — 1 шт.зеленый лук, укропкефирнесоленая газированная минеральная водахрен столовый — примерно 1 чайные ложки на тарелкусоль, перец
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