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Лунтик - 445 серия. Не ради награды. Мультфильм
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Лунтик - 445 серия. Не ради награды. Мультфильм
Пирог с клубникой для праздника урожая – под угрозой. Каждую ночь кто-то утаскивает ягоды. Скоро их совсем не останется! Надо выследить воришку! Но Лунтика клонит в сон, и если бы не Гусеницы… С тех пор, как они взялись за охрану огорода, н...
Лунтик - 444 серия. Очки для деда Шера. Мультфильмы 2017
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Лунтик - 444 серия. Очки для деда Шера. Мультфильмы 2017
Лунтик хочет всего лишь взять у Вупсеня и Пупсеня очки, которые изготовил для деда Шера Корней Корнеич. Но он не знает, что Гусеницы только что случайно их сломали и судорожно стараются починить, а до тех пор выдумывают самые разные, чтобы ...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Toyland [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Toyland [HD]
Do toys come to life at night? Moonzy is certain they do! But Skip is skeptical. Dottie knows nothing but hopes it is true. So, they decide to get to the bottom of it, but nothing is working out! And no one can stay with Moonzy overnight......
Лунтик - 443 серия. Путешествие во времени. Мультфильмы 2017
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Лунтик - 443 серия. Путешествие во времени. Мультфильмы 2017
Хотели Вупсень и Пупсень попасть в будущее, завели машину времени – а оказались …в прошлом. Вот сейчас древние племена схватят их и на костре зажарят! Пощады не жди! Как назло машина времени куда-то запропастилась! Смотрите все серии Лунт...
Лунтик - 442 серия.Икебана. Мультики 2017
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Лунтик - 442 серия.Икебана. Мультики 2017
Ох, и влетит же сейчас Гусеницам за то, что …играли с мусором. Пока Вупсень дремал, Пупсень убирал то, что осталось после их сражения на мечах. И нечаянно – честное слово! нечаянно! – сотворил из веток что-то необычное. А ведь взрослые ясно...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Weather Forecast [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Weather Forecast [HD]
Mr. Diggins once made special equipment to broadcast the weather forecast to the entire community! But, the equipment has not worked in a long time because Woopsie fell on it and broke it all. So what? The caterpillars can easily forecast t...
Лунтик - 441 серия. ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ КОСТЮМ. Мультфильмы для детей
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Лунтик - 441 серия. ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ КОСТЮМ. Мультфильмы для детей
Все готовятся к конкурсу костюмов. И Гусеницы тоже готовятся. Очень сильно готовятся, даже костюм есть! Правда, жаль, что один на двоих. Но унывать они не намерены. Пускай костюм как будто есть, но сделан из волшебной ткани. И не видеть так...
Лунтик - 440 серия. ФЕЯ. Мультики 2017
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Лунтик - 440 серия. ФЕЯ. Мультики 2017
Врут книжки, всё врут! Ходила Мила в «прекрасный лес на окраине селения»! Нет там никаких фей! Не нужны теперь Миле ни воздушный змей, ни надувные шары, ни клоуны, ни утешения друзей. Но Лунтик и Кузя находят способ доказать безутешной дево...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Lessons In Photography [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Lessons In Photography [HD]
Skip is obsessed with candid shots. He would give anything to be a photojournalist! But, as luck would have it, nothing newsworthy happens: no tornadoes, no disasters, no shipwrecks... Until finally, something does happen: the ants have a d...
MOONZY (Luntik) - A Real Actor [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - A Real Actor [HD]
Woopsie doesn't even notice how cooly his brother recites poems - full of spirit and animation! Woopsie is completely focused on Skip, who is basking in the spotlight. All praise and admiration is bestowed upon him... And Poopsie is a bette...
MOONZY (Luntik) - The Boogeyman [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - The Boogeyman [HD]
Moonzy's favorite toy is missing! It must be the Boogeyman who took it, because yesterday all the kids made a lot of noise and disturbed Lizzy Leach. And the Boogeyman punishes anyone who misbehaves. There is only one option to get the toy ...
MOONZY (Luntik) - New Neighbors [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - New Neighbors [HD]
Woopsie and Poopsie wake up because of all the noise. The nearest lawn is overrun with tons of unknown beetles! Strangers! So, they sneak up on them, quickly and thickly. What if there are no leaves left after this invasion?! What if they w...
БАРБОСКИНЫ 146 серия. Скоро в школу! Трейлер.
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БАРБОСКИНЫ 146 серия. Скоро в школу! Трейлер.
Название: БАРБОСКИНЫ 146 серия. Скоро в школу! Трейлер. Премьера 21 августа 2015г. Ох, уж эта Роза! Вот так не сделает вовремя то, что нужно, а потом самой же и стыдно. Но, как говорится, «лучше поздно, чем никогда». Барбоскины выпуск 9 - ...
MOONZY (Luntik) - The Magic Trick [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - The Magic Trick [HD]
Oh, they shouldn't have made fun of Dottie! She is playing a princess and if Woopsie and Poopsie don't buy into it, they will pay an arm and a leg for their jeers. Dottie will turn into a huge, ugly toad and demand that they reverse the spe...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Acts Of Kindness [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Acts Of Kindness [HD]
Behaving properly all week long... what a bore! But, when there is a reward for good behavior, it is possible to do a lot of good deeds and fast! Woopsie and Poopsie don't even care if the help they are offering doesn't actually make anyone...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Guests from the future [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Guests from the future [HD]
Weebee is trying so hard to write a sci-fi novel, but he has writer's block! Dottie has a hard time watching him in the terrible throes of creation, and soon, strange creatures who speak an unknown language appear in the udnerbrush. They're...
MOONZY (Luntik) - There Are All Kinds Of Butterflies [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - There Are All Kinds Of Butterflies [HD]
Goodness, Woopsie is so bulky and clummsy! He dropped like a sack, even though he really wants to be a butterfly. Woopsie decides that he must eat less and he asks his brother to stop scoffing at everything. As luck would have it, everybody...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Different Music
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Different Music
Moonzy would really like to learn how to play the flute, so that he can play his favorite melody! Moonzy's friends really like he melody, but Mr. Webber believes that a gifted flutist should play something more complex. This melody is too s...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Detective [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Detective [HD]
Anything and everything can be done for the sake of friendship! Skip wants to be a detective, but there is nothing (so far) to investigate in the forest... But it is possible to invent a crime! A small and temporary one. On the plus side, n...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Hypnotist [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Hypnotist [HD]
If only Skip tries a little harder... all of his friends will do what he says! It's called - hypnosis. But when the friends begin to lose their will for real, Skip is ready to do anyhting to bring his old friends back! Moonzy all episodes i...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Heroes [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Heroes [HD]
During the big thunderstorm, the wind was rough and it made little bugs fall off of the plants and into Woopsie and Poopsie's hands. This heroic moment was shot on camera by a young photographer! Now the caterpillars are regarded as heroes ...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Archaeologist [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Archaeologist [HD]
What are these mysterious drawings on the walls of the underground cave? The scenes show the lives of the ancients! This means that Moonzy and Skip have made an archaeological discovery! Woopsie and Poopsie are not really interested in arch...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Sharing Is Caring [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Sharing Is Caring [HD]
It's so strange... The caterpillars snatched a skateboard from Moonzy and Skip because they want to skate so much. What's so strange? Moonzy and Skip offer them an additional skateboard! And it is not for nothing... Moonzy all episodes in E...
MOONZY (Luntik) - A Dew Drop [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - A Dew Drop [HD]
It is so beautiful in the morning when the dew drops cover everything! But as soon as the sun comes, they start to disappear, one by one. Dottie has used many methods, just trying to save one drop! But it is no use. She just doesn't know ye...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Watermelon [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Watermelon [HD]
Skip and Moonzie move a huge and heavy stone for Dottie and Butterfly Ellie. They do it because they know that they are stronger and it is the right thing to do. But Dottie doesn't want to be treated like a weak creature. And she will do an...
MOONZY (Luntik) - We Can Do It Ourselves (HD)
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MOONZY (Luntik) - We Can Do It Ourselves (HD)
Skip and Moonzie move a huge and heavy stone for Dottie and Butterfly Ellie. They do it because they know that they are stronger and it is the right thing to do. But Dottie doesn't want to be treated like a weak creature. And she will do an...
Три богатыря - Работают Три Богатыря (мультфильм)
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Три богатыря - Работают Три Богатыря (мультфильм)
Три богатыря и морской царь (1 января 2017) - Иван Царевич и Серый Волк-3 (2016) - Три богатыря:Ход конем (2014) - Мультфильмы для детей - Любимые песенки для детей - Иван Царевич и Серый Волк - 2 (мультфильм) - Иван Царевич и Серый В...
Барбоскины - 144 серия. Прирожденный лидер (мультфильм)
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Барбоскины - 144 серия. Прирожденный лидер (мультфильм)
Тест личности по одежде – это ненаучно, считает Гена. …Однако до чего ж убедительно! А если проверить личность Малыша? Не может быть! Прирожденный лидер и потенциальный гений в любых областях. Пока Малышу до мировой славы далеко, но вот в с...
MOONZY (Luntik) - The Record Book [HD]
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MOONZY (Luntik) - The Record Book [HD]
A champion sets records. Mr. Diggins even has a special Record Book! If you want to become a champion, you must look through this book and pick a record to try to beat. But the guys don't realize that soon they will set their own, unique re...
MOONZY (Luntik) - Grass Eater (HD)
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MOONZY (Luntik) - Grass Eater (HD)
Who is laziest - Woopsie or Poopsie? The caterpillars go back and forth arguing until they bump into Mr. Diggins' mowing machine! Now, they are in paradise! They can be lazy together, because the machine will chew everything and they will j...
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